keep it simple, make it GREAT!


Facilitation Services

People depend on groups to accomplish what individuals cannot, facilitators assist groups to ...
  • Collaborate and in doing so define and articulate clear, well thought through projects, strategies, and innovative ideas.
  • Enable effective conversation, gathering of ideas, decision making, facilitate task delivery, execution and implementation.
  • Improve the communication within your core project team

strategy facilitation
  • Define and articulate your organizations strategy via a facilitative and collaborative approach using industry methodologies.
  • Translate your strategy into strategic business imperatives and project portfolios.
  • Prioritisation of the project portfolios.
  • Conducting quarterly reviews in order to track progress and alignment.

programme & project facilitation
  • Conceptually define and agree the scope of the project in order to assist in the process of defining a clear and concise business case.
  • Conducting a project definition workshop in order to clearly define the scope and work breakdown structure for the projects (sub projects, major tasks, deliverables, milestones, timeframe, resources etc.).
  • Translate your project scope and work breakdown structure into a detailed network diagram and project plan.
  • Project scope review / Project re-focus

business facilitation
  • BlueSKY / InnoVATION’
  • Resolution (reSOLUTION) - scenario planning, analysis, solution identification
  • Free FLOW

strati-g business management consultants has assisted many organisations across diverse industries in terms of facilitating strategic planning workshops, programme and project definition workshops and ‘free flow blue sky’ innovation workshops. strati-g business management consultants prides itself in the fact that it employs and partners with the best facilitators in the industry.